You step up, I'll step up too❤

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 ,
10:39 PM

"You hate me, I get it.
I never asked you to like me.
Yeah, I hate you too.
You're a fucking jerk.
And I spend most of the time around you,
Just glaring or yelling.
You make me just as upset as I make you.
All the bitching, and talking back,
Yeah, it's what we do.

And its sad I can't imagine it any other way.
I can't imagine talking to you over the phone again.
Or just laughing senseless with each other.
I can't imagine letting loose and having fun around you,
Cause the LAST thing I am when I'm with you,
Is me.
I can't imagine you smiling at me.
Or sticking up for me.
I can't imagine you saying hi in the hallway,
Or us just hanging out.

And I know that it's too late to change anything.
However we got here,
Whether it's because of what I said or did,
I can't take it back anymore.
Truth is, I'd rather you hate me
Than not notice me at all.
The saddest part of all,
The part that makes me wanna smash my head into the wall,
Is that I know that...
I love you."