Today was Napfa!!!! ._. It was very tiring, felt like dying.
I did 3 incline pull-ups:) Just enough to pass!!!! Thank goodness! LOLS I think Matilda did 1... Then she tried again... And she got 2:) Aww... it's ok. You can try again next time, yeah?
Sit-ups... Haha!!!! Just want to pass. Did 13 then stopped. But Ying and Clara ask me to keep going. I keep telling them, I cannot! I cannot! And in the end~ I really cannot =.=" Lols Got 16, not so bad la. At least passed right?
Standing board jump!!!! AHH!!! OMG I was totally negative about that. I was telling everyone, "I'M GONNA FAIL!!!!!!" So in the end, I went with yy and I got 155:) Hehe... Expected worse...
Oh ya~ Shuttle run! First time, I didn't see the yellow line... =.=" Ended up doing it again. Got 12.67 Haiya can le larhs!
LOL And then it was sit & reach. Ying & Banana were supposedly the "pros" at that... Always get A. No exception. Keep on boasting about it. And before the sit & reach, Ying sat on the floor, Spread her legs like open shop like that._. And start stretching to "warm up" for sit & reach. And you know she's in Ballet So she's supposed to be super flexible. And while she was stretching, she was like "Oi! April! Hurry! Stretch now or you'll fail your sit & reach!" OMG I diedie won't do la...
And in the end... she and Dana got 34... Don't know what happened but they are very upset lols. I mean, compared to Abby, who got 43... WOW-nvm. Hahas! I'm sure they'll do better next time la, don't need to be so emo XD
I'm so glad my standard for sit & reach hasn't deteriorated! Lols...Pri4: 41cm. Pri5: 43cm. Pri6: 45cm. Like got pattern lols... I gtg now.